Sunday, June 26, 2011


"The resistance of a woman is not always proof of her virtue, but more often of her experience." Minon de Lenclos (1620-1705)  French society lady and wit "Tis strange what a man may do, and a woman yet think him an angel." Emile Gaboriau (1835-1873) French author, "Men make Gods, and women worship them." James G. Frazer (1854-1941) Scottish classicist, anthropologist
That's an old phrase up there, the battle of the sexes. Most people think of it as a joke. They're wrong. he sexes have been in a state of war for centuries, and in the last one, the men started losing. Since recorded history began, men have been warring against the elements, the environment and each other to make the world a better place ... for women. hink about it. Men don't need electric blankets. Men on't need arm protectors for their couches. Hell, men don't even need toilet seats. Why? Because we're men, damnit.

But women, women need every comfort imaginable. In the bathroom, all a guy needs is his razor, some soap, a towel and some toothpaste. Women need three drawers, two shelves and a closet full of crap—and that's just to take a dump. In the kitchen, all most guys need is a skillet, a sharp knife and some salt and pepper. Modern women can't cook unless they've got four hundred plug-in appliances, eighteen bins of utensils, two spice racks, two ovens, an extra sink and then someone else to do the cooking.   More

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants

Dear Friend,
This powerful report is can help you re-awaken the teenage sexual beast within you. (Now would be a good time to warn your spouse or significant other.) However, the benefits you’ll enjoy is not just limited to the obvious one. The

A foods and stimulants I list here are good for your overall health as well! Plus… regular sex is actually good for you! It is good for the heart, immune system, and it lowers stress. Also, sex seems to trigger powerful chemicals that may even extend men's lives. Some studies have shown sex to even relieve back pain, menstrual cramps, even arthritis and migraines. Other studies have also shown sex to help with insomnia and depression. Of course, it also provides cardiovascular exercise… AND it allows your body to relax and de-stress afterwards – both of which are important for healthy living. Most of us follow a diet that lacks certain vital nutrients which are required by the body to maintain normal functions, including the recovery and recuperation processes…and yes, especially the processes that affect libido, stamina and endurance. More

Monday, June 20, 2011

What a girl wants, what a girl needs

Welcome back to reality. I hope I made you think a bit in the previous chapter. No more cheesy Hollywood films for the rest of the book, I promise!

Just as men have many traits in common (we like nice tits, asses, cute faces and big cars- or at least, most of us do), it’s the same with women. Even if they seem so different at times, they have many similarities in the way they think and especially in what they’re looking for in a man. I would like to give you an exercise. I know, I know … You hate those, but I promise you’ll enjoy this one.

Call up one of your friend girls, a girl you’re not dating and would consider to be a friend. You might have wanted to lay her before, or vice versa, but it doesn’t matter now. Following is a list. Read it to her as if you’re describing her character. I guarantee that she’ll be surprised. If you did this to a random girl you didn’t even know, she would be like, “Wow, how do you know all this about me? Are you psychic or something?” Click here